When type 1 diabetes enters our lives, we have to re-learn how to do a lot of things. What we eat is no longer measured by the calorie count. We need to train our brains to focus on carb counting. Carbohydrates, something we’ve never paid much attention to on nutrition labels, are now the first thing (and sometimes the only thing) we look at. But what exactly are we looking for?
[Read more…]Stop Giving Medical Advice You’re Not Qualified to Give
I have to tell you about something I saw recently. It was a Facebook page that was claiming that “type 1 diabetes is reversible”. Now, if you go to any trained medical professional, or anyone who has T1D, they will tell you that it is absolutely NOT reversible. This is one of my biggest pet peeves. People need to stop giving medical advice when they have no qualifications. But it doesn’t bother me for the reason you might think. [Read more…]
No, it’s not Drugs… it’s Hypoglycemia
As I walked into the store, I saw a lady sitting in a chair. She looked really confused. The employees tending to her seemed annoyed and were trying to get her out of the store. I watched for a moment as she sat there pale and shaking, unable to respond to their questions. They didn’t know what was going on. I looked down and saw an insulin pen in her open purse, and I knew right away what was going on. She was not on drugs, she was experiencing a severe episode of hypoglycemia. [Read more…]
Type 1 Diabetes: If you Give a T1D a Slice of Cake
Diabetic. What do you picture when you hear that word? For most people, the word conjures up an image of a middle-aged, overweight person who eats poorly and never exercises. Is that what you saw in your head? Not only is that a poor representation of diabetes, but did you know that there are different kinds of diabetes? Let’s get rid of that unfortunate misconception. There’s a lot more to type 1 diabetes than most people think.
[Read more…]People with T1D are Brave… and I’m a Wimp
When you live with someone who has T1D, you get used to things most people never think about. You may even take for granted how much your T1 really goes through because they seem to take everything in stride. Well, when I had to check my blood sugar the other day, I realized (again) that people with T1D are brave.
The First Diabetes Camp Experience in a Word
I had this post all planned out. I was going to do a mock “interview” with Jordan before and after diabetes camp, showing his expectations compared to what actually happened with his first d-camp experience. But, halfway through the “after” interview, I remembered: I have a 7 year old boy, this won’t work. [Read more…]
D-Camp, what to Expect at the First Drop-Off
He waited for weeks, months even, counting down to his first summer D-camp. His Father and I had been waiting for years. We heard about D-camp when he was diagnosed. Since he was not even 3 at the time, we knew it would be a long wait for the D-camp for 7 to 12 year olds. But after patiently waiting for over 4 years, the day is here.
The Hidden Danger of Kids and Remote Meters
When my son’s blood sugar goes low, we treat it. It comes back into normal range with one or two “doses” of sugar. But this time, it didn’t. It wasn’t because of his diabetes, it was because of something he did. He caused a low that could have given him a seizure. He caused a low that could have put him in a coma. And he did it for one simple reason. [Read more…]
Why I will Never Celebrate my Son’s Diaversary
May 9th is my son’s diaversary. If you’re not familiar with that term, it’s the anniversary of the day he was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes. A diabetes anniversary, if you will. Many people celebrate their or their child’s diaversary. Some people don’t even remember what date their diaversary is. I am painfully aware of what day it is. I will never forget it, and I will never celebrate it.
[Read more…]Why People with T1D Count Carbs
My son’s first-grade class was having a party for the ten billionth time that month. I was available to help out with crafts, games, and keeping the kids somewhat contained during the festivities, so I volunteered to join the celebration. Of course, there was a table full of snacks. I quickly went to check out what was being served to see how tricky it would be to carb count. As I was looking at food labels, another mom came up to me. She asked me, “So, what do you do with the labels? Why do you need to count carbs?”
[Read more…]