Your child’s diaversary is coming up but you don’t know what to make. Yes, people have cake for their diaversary… but how do you create a cake that sums up all of the pokes, accomplishments, stress, milestones, grief, and proud moments? Let’s face it, you can’t exactly walk into your local bakery and ask for their most popular diaversary cake design. Don’t worry, whether you’re looking for elegant, simple, sincere, or sarcastic, you’ll find the perfect diaversary cake for your celebration in this list!
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Despite not being “mainstream”, people with T1D have been celebrating their diaversaries for decades. And they’ve come up with some pretty awesome diaversary cake ideas.
The symbolic blue diaversary cake
Did you know that the color blue represents T1D? When World Diabetes Day became official back in 2006, blue was chosen as a reflection of the sky as well as the United Nations flag.
So, you can simply “go blue” with your diaversary cake. Make the whole cake blue, or create a fancy design that incorporates blue in some way.
In the world of diabetes, a “perfect” blood glucose reading of 100 (or 5.5 in mmol/L) is called a unicorn. Not everyone thinks this reading is perfect, myself included, but a unicorn theme is a perfect way to celebrate your diaversary!
Unicorn actually has a double meaning when it comes to T1D. The number 100 itself is a unicorn, but also, if you get 2 identical readings at the same time, that’s called a unicorn.
So if you get the same reading via finger poke that you’re getting on your CGM, unicorn. If you and a friend get the same number at the same time, unicorn. There are unicorns all over the place in our diabetes households. There might as well be one on our diaversary cake as well!
Fun shapes and cupcakes
The sky is the limit! There are so many fun shapes you can create for your diaversary cake. Diabetes awareness ribbons, a pancreas, insulin pump, insulin, a blood glucose monitor…
Whatever you can think of, you can turn it into a cake.
Not sure how to get the shape you’re looking for? I mean, there aren’t any pancreas shaped cake pans that I’m aware of…
Why not try pull apart cupcakes instead? That way, you can make it whatever shape you want!
Or, make a regular cake and put the fun shapes on top like this one:
Superhero diaversary cakes!
Living with T1D is a hard job. Our kiddos and everyone living with type 1 are truly superheroes. Why not celebrate that fact with a special superhero cake?
Sarcastic and funny cakes
We all know diabetes sucks. A good old poop emoji or a duck with a “duck fiabetes” caption is always a hit!
Or, maybe you want a funny cake that doesn’t imply swearing…
Maybe you’re just looking for a sincere sentiment to convey:
Don’t like cake? How about diaversary cookies!
I hear you. I’m not the biggest cake fan either. Maybe some of these awesome cookies will inspire you!
How about tasty little diabetes awareness ribbons?
Or maybe some pancreas cookies with a bit of a jab at your non-functioning beta cells:
Or a mixture of inspiring and funny cookies…
Maybe you’re like me and are not great at decorating cookies or cakes. You can get this awesome pancreas cookie cutter and it will do all the work for you!
So, what are you going to do the next time your child’s diaversary comes around? Will you “go blue”, make a unicorn, or try your hand at diaversary cookies?
Tell me in the comments which cake is your favorite and when your child’s diaversary is! Jordan’s is May 9th (2012).
Happy Carb Counting!
~ Leah
A very special Thank You to everyone who contributed pictures of their diaversary cakes and cookies!
For more tips and stories about T1D, join the Carb Counting Mama email list, and make sure to head over to the Carb Counting Mama Facebook page and “like” it.
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