It’s back to school time, and I was thinking about what we need to tell my son’s teacher about his type 1 diabetes. He’s in fifth grade now. This isn’t our first rodeo. Every year since kindergarten, we’ve talked to the teacher, sent home a letter to his classmate’s parents, and done a presentation in class. This is the last year of elementary school (his second year at this particular school) and while I was thinking of what we needed his teacher to know, I may have gotten a bit off track. What can I say? I get bored with the same spiel year after year.
Dear Teacher, I have T1D
Dear Teacher, I have T1D and I’d like to tell you more.
About type 1 diabetes, in case you haven’t heard before.
I didn’t get it from eating, or lack of exercise.
My body just attacked itself, in fact, no one knows why.
My pancreas doesn’t make insulin, a hormone we need to survive.
So I administer mine with a pump, pens, or syringe, to keep myself alive.
But with a hormone that’s man-made, sometimes it’s tough to know,
How much I need to give myself, so I end up high or low.
It is a constant battle, and I’ve come to realize,
Despite all of my best efforts, it will never stabilize.
Sugar is my medicine, so I need you to know,
I will have to stop and eat when my blood glucose is low.
High blood glucose is also really not good for my health.
So when my numbers get too high, I must inject myself.
These are things that can happen throughout the school day.
During class, when I eat, and even while I play.
T1D is a big job, so Teacher, please understand,
I’m still a tiny human, and I may need a hand.
Dear Classmates, I have T1D and there are things that you should know.
About the things you may hear and see, when my blood glucose is high or low.
Sometimes I may have extra snacks in the middle of the day.
I know it doesn’t seem fair, but it has to be this way.
I need to eat or drink when my numbers start to drop.
So if we’re busy doing other things, I may need to stop.
Sometimes I poke my finger, depending on how I feel.
Or before I play, or eat a snack, or when I have a meal.
Yes, there is a drop of blood, and yes it stings a bit.
But I am tough and do this lots, I’m getting used to it.
I love to eat the party treats, but please, if you are able.
Could you ask your mom or dad to send the nutrition label?
Sometimes I need a grown-up, to help with my T1D.
So you may see an adult come into class to assist me.
I like to run and skip and play with my friends on the swings.
T1D is a bit different, but I still do all those things.
Although this is all unfamiliar, and you find it very new.
Classmates please understand that I’m still a kid like you.
Dear Teacher, please don’t leave me out, when our class gets to have a treat.
I just need to know how many carbs are in the things I eat.
Sometimes I may need to sit out during gym or exercise.
If my blood glucose is too low, it needs time to normalize.
My T1D comes with devices, that help to keep me safe.
I may have a glucometer, insulin pump, or CGM in a pouch around my waist.
I know the rules say no electronics during the school day.
But these ones are my lifeline, and with me, they have to stay.
Yes, sometimes there is some blood, but please don’t be afraid.
It’s only one little drop, less than on most band-aids.
My blood glucose levels have an effect on my whole body.
When I’m low I may feel dizzy, when high I need the potty.
Changes in my blood glucose also affect my brain.
Out of range levels can cause a real mental strain.
All of this is stressful and as you may have figured out.
My T1D is tied to my physical, mental, and emotional health.
So teacher, please be patient, and when I simply don’t seem right.
Please check my blood glucose number, you just might save my life.
Good luck with back to school!!
~ Leah
PS: If you feel like any of this would be helpful to give to someone, here is a PDF printable version of this post:
Or, if you’re looking for more “typical” printouts, you can get them at T1D Mod Squad (under Information – 504 – School Printables) or at Diabetes At School.
Do you talk to your child’s teacher at the beginning of the school year? Or their classmates? What do you find works best? Tell us about it in the comments!! And make sure you head over to the Carb Counting Mama Facebook page and “like” it for more T1D posts!
Do you have an example of your previous letter to classmates parents?