Every day. Wake up. Make sure child is breathing. Check blood sugar. Count carbs. Give insulin. Rinse, repeat… until bedtime. Yes, we do other things that “normal” people do. Yes, we live our lives. No, we don’t let type 1 diabetes control us. But after a while, this life can become exhausting.
Call it depression. Call it burnout. Call it what you like. For most parents of a child with type 1 diabetes, eventually it gets to a point where you wish it could just stop. But at the same time, you know it never will.
“I Want One Day”
By: Barb Shelly, T1D Mom
I want one day where I can be a great Mom, and not a pancreas.
One day to enjoy my little boy running and playing without the worry of going low.
One day where the fear of my son passing before me isn’t on my mind.
One day without shots and blood.
One day without alarms every 3 hours to check blood sugar throughout the night.
One day to hug my son and not feel medical devices attached to him.
One day where the words “carbs”, “ketones”, “glucose”, “insulin”, “high”, “low”, “pump”, and “shots” never make their way out of our mouths.
One day where I don’t worry about how we’re going to pay for the expensive, expensive medicine he needs just to stay alive.
One day where dead in bed isn’t my biggest worry each and every morning.
One day where I could be the blessed parent who has no clue what T1D is because it hasn’t affected me or my family.
One day where I’m the Mom with a small purse instead of a backpack full of supplies.
But most of all, I want one day where I can tell my son he used to have T1D.
We all wish for a break from this life from time to time. And we all wait, hope, and pray for a cure. You can help find a cure! Donate to Faustman Labs today!
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