A few weeks ago, Jordan started doing untethered pumping. I have to say, we both kind of love it. Most of the problems that he experienced with his insulin pump, and most of the problems he had with MDI, all disappeared when he started doing untethered. I know what you’re thinking… what the heck is untethered pumping?!? Let’s talk about it!
[Read more…]The Adventures of Captain Lantus – a Fun T1D Book for the Whole Family
What if there was a place where everyone had T1D? No one would have to feel like they were different because of their diabetes. They wouldn’t get odd or rude questions and comments from people passing by. Everyone would understand what it’s like to have T1D. That’s just what you’ll find in The Adventures of Captain Lantus, where Beta Town is full of citizens of all ages who have type 1 diabetes.
[Read more…]17 Awesome Designs for your next Diaversary Cake
Your child’s diaversary is coming up but you don’t know what to make. Yes, people have cake for their diaversary… but how do you create a cake that sums up all of the pokes, accomplishments, stress, milestones, grief, and proud moments? Let’s face it, you can’t exactly walk into your local bakery and ask for their most popular diaversary cake design. Don’t worry, whether you’re looking for elegant, simple, sincere, or sarcastic, you’ll find the perfect diaversary cake for your celebration in this list! [Read more…]
Basal Testing: The Beginner’s Guide
Adjusting insulin levels can be confusing and overwhelming. Often, you can see that something needs to be changed, but it’s hard to tell what needs to be adjusted. And there’s no shortage of conflicting information out there to add to the confusion.
In this easy to follow guide, I’ll explain the role basal plays in T1D management, how to test its accuracy, and go over exactly how to determine whether or not you need to make basal rate adjustments. Here’s everything you need to know about basal testing.
[Read more…]Is Your Child Ready for Independent T1D Management at School?
Ah, middle school. The in-between place of growing up. No longer a little kid, but not quite a teenager either. No more hand-holding from teachers and school staff. More homework, more responsibility. A proper class schedule. Lockers. You’re moving up in the world. Getting older. More independent. Should your T1D care be “growing up” with you? [Read more…]
Dear Teacher, I have T1D
It’s back to school time, and I was thinking about what we need to tell my son’s teacher about his type 1 diabetes. He’s in fifth grade now. This isn’t our first rodeo. Every year since kindergarten, we’ve talked to the teacher, sent home a letter to his classmate’s parents, and done a presentation in class. This is the last year of elementary school (his second year at this particular school) and while I was thinking of what we needed his teacher to know, I may have gotten a bit off track. What can I say? I get bored with the same spiel year after year. [Read more…]
Low Carb is a Valid Management Option for T1D, but…
This is not a low carb blog. My family is not a low carb family. I have a son who has type 1 diabetes. His A1C has been between 6.5 and 7.5 since diagnosis over 8 years ago. He eats pancakes with regular syrup, can eat a whole cucumber in a sitting, and even has cereal for breakfast (or dinner) sometimes. Again, this is not a low carb blog. [Read more…]
Water Tasters – History of Diabetes
Diabetes is not a new disease. In fact, it has been recognized for thousands of years. And has likely been around a lot longer than that. But, the technology we use to diagnose and treat it is quite new. Blood glucose monitors only came around in the 70s. Chemical tests for urine were designed several decades prior to that. So how on Earth did people get diagnosed with diabetes before these methods were created? I have two words for you: Water Tasters.
[Read more…]6 Lessons I Learned when We Lost my Son’s Diabetes Bag
We were getting ready for dinner. As we were setting the table and starting to dish out everyone’s food, Jordan realized he didn’t have his checker (that’s what we call his PDM). He went to his room to look for it. He looked everywhere. When he came down, his hands were empty and he had a concerned look on his face. He couldn’t find it. I wasn’t worried. We’ve gone through this dance before. It’s a small black case. It’s easy to miss. Especially for a pre-teen boy. He can be staring right at something and somehow not see it. “Where did you see it last?” I asked. “It was in my diabetes bag when I went for a walk,” he replied. Weird. His diabetes bag is much larger and harder to lose track of. Now, I was starting to worry. [Read more…]
Did The Baby-Sitters Club on Netflix get T1D Right?
The Baby-Sitters Club is on Netflix, and, just like the beloved books many of us read as kids, Stacey has a secret. The character Stacey McGill has type 1 diabetes. Diabetes often comes up on television in the form of cheap jokes about unhealthy food. Sometimes there’s a supporting character who has T1D (usually misrepresenting how T1D actually works). But it’s extremely rare for a main character to have the condition. Everyone in the T1D community was excited for the release of the new The Baby-Sitters Club, wondering how they’d depict Stacey’s character. What would they include? Would a TV show finally get T1D right? [Read more…]