Looking for some fun activities to add to your T1D class talk? Whether you’re celebrating World Diabetes Day, introducing T1D to the class at the beginning of the school year, or having a T1D talk when your child returns to school after their diagnosis, there are tons of great resources to help you organize your presentation. One key addition is fun T1D activity books!
Activity books are a great way for children to learn a new concept. Learning through play helps make new ideas stick. So, why not teach them about T1D with some fun!
Since it’s often tricky to find activity books on such a specific topic, I’ve decided to start creating some for the T1D community.
I’m starting with this FREE printable. It’s 7 pages long (including a Title Page and a page for the Answer Key). It’s the first of hopefully many more to come. I hope you enjoy it!
T1D Activity Book Tips
Before we get to the activity book itself, let’s go over a few pointers:
- Pair with a talk. It’s best to combine this T1D activity book with a class discussion. You could read a T1D book to the class, show them a video about T1D, have a casual discussion, or even read through the T1D Facts sheet in the activity book together.
- Print and hand out. Once you download the T1D Activity Book, you can use it as much as you like. Feel free to print copies for the whole class (but please don’t cut off the website address on the pages, I want other people to be able to find it too!)
- Age appropriate. This activity book is meant for elementary school students. Although, some bigger kids are known to enjoy activity books as well! The crossword in particular might be a bit tricky for younger students. If you feel it might be too difficult, you could always exclude that page from the activity books when printing them.
- The Fact Sheet. The first page is a fact sheet. All of the answers for the word search and the crossword are on that page. The crossword is much easier to complete if you read the fact sheet first.
Let’s get to the good part now:
Simply click the link above to download a PDF version of the Type 1 Diabetes Activity Book.
Now, could you do me a quick favor?
This is the first T1D activity book that I’ve made, but I plan to make more. If you could pop back here or to my Facebook page to give me some feedback about the Type 1 Diabetes Activity Book, I’d really appreciate it. Your thoughts could help me make better T1D activity books in the future!
Let me know your kiddo’s age, which sheets were a hit, which ones were not so much, and what future topics you’d like to see in an activity book. Here are a couple that I have in mind:
- World Diabetes Day
- The Discovery of Insulin
- T1D Misconceptions
And, if your child has some favorite activities that weren’t included in this book, let me know that too! I’ll do my best to incorporate different kinds of activity sheets in the future.
Happy Carb Counting!
~ Leah
PS – The printable is completely free, but if you feel like helping to fund these resources and more, you can make a donation here:
For more tips and stories about T1D, join the Carb Counting Mama email list, and make sure to head over to the Carb Counting Mama Facebook page and “like” it.
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